Fahrenheit 451

Audio CD

German language

Published Oct. 30, 2008 by Diogenes.

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4 stars (3 reviews)

Ungekürzt gelesen von Rufus Beck. Aus dem Amerikanischen von Fritz Güttinger Bei 451 Grad Fahrenheit »fängt Bücherpapier Feuer und verbrennt«. In dem Staat, den Bradbury in eine nahe Zukunft projiziert, ist die Feuerwehr nicht mehr mit Wasserspritzen ausgerüstet, sondern mit Flammenwerfern, die genau diesen Hitzegrad erzeugen, um die letzten Zeugnisse individualistischen Denkens – die Bücher – zu vernichten. Da beginnt ein Feuerwehrmann, sich Fragen zu stellen…

Hörbuch 5 CD , 5 Std. 51 Min.

--back cover

83 editions

Review of 'Fahrenheit 451' on 'GoodReads'

4 stars

It must be close on 25 years ago that I first heard about this book, and now finally I can tick it off the list. Surprisingly also, this is the first time I've read anything by Bradbury, even though I have a number of his works on my shelves.

The book is such a classic, that I'd be surprised if people don't know the general premise, and of course in that sense there wasn't too much wow factor or plot twists that one uncovers here. With that said, it is wonderfully written. The clarity of the landscape the characters see themselves in is simple and clear to the reader. Depressing, vapid and shallow as one continues through the story as it becomes more and more fatalist.

Such a simple phrase, such a beautiful phrase, as Montag meets the group by the fire at the end:
"... and Time was there." …